
Q&A: What Supplements Increase Semen Volume?

I’ve yet to meet a guy that doesn’t want to shoot more semen each time that he ejaculates. Even the guys with hyperspermia that shoot a ridiculous amount – most of them quite enjoy it.

And I can’t blame them. Many girls love it, and huge cumshots are glamorized in porn.

While you can’t give yourself hyperspermia and start shooting like a pornstar by popping a few pills, the truth is there are supplements that will help you increase your total semen volume. Some are said to enhance your orgasms too, so for a few bucks, hey – why not give it a try?

In this article I’ll be covering the top 3, and sharing some other tips that will help you increase the amount of semen you shoot as well. I need to mention that I am not a doctor, and this isn’t medical advice. Don’t start any supplements without talking to your doctor first, in case they conflict with any medication or anything else in your health plan. With that out of the way, let’s get into it!

Supplements That Increase Semen Volume


The first on our list is Zinc.

Zinc plays a huge role in sperm production, and your semen contains a lot of zinc. Low amounts of it will not only hamper your sperm count, but seminal production as a whole.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most people do not get enough zinc in their diet. Oysters are great for zinc, but it’s also found in beef, turkey, cashews, legumes, oatmeal, and yogurt. Oysters are by far the best food for it, though.

Anyhow, because you’re probably not getting enough unless you eat a lot of oysters, supplementation is a great choice.

Zinc supplements can be found for about $5 a bottle on Amazon, or 5 cents a day.

Just a word of warning though, zinc pills can cause nausea in some people. Therefore, it’s best taken with a meal. The body doesn’t store excess zinc, so just take it whenever in the day is convenient for you, such as after breakfast, lunch or dinner.


Pygeum is considered one of the holy grail supplements for semen volume, and from men I’ve talked to, it actually works!

In fact, you’ll notice right away that if you start supplementing pygeum, you may just start leaking precum like a faucet before you ever cum.

Pygeum plays a key role in prostate health, which is why supplementing it is linked to a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

Pygeum is linked to higher semen volumes and bigger cumshots because it directly increases prostate and seminal gland secretions.

A bottle will run you about $6 for 100 supplements, and it’s recommended to take 2 a day. Still, that’s about 12 cents a day for Pygeum supplementation.

Not too bad!

Sunflower Lecithin

Finally, we have lecithin. I specifically recommend sunflower lecithin over soybean lecithin, as excess soy products can disrupt the hormonal balance in men.

Soy has a lot of phytoestrogens, which act similar to estrogen. Estrogen is commonly referred to as the ‘female’ hormone, similarly to how testosterone is nicknamed the ‘male’ hormone. Too much estrogen is linked to female features, like growing breasts, and difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.

Studies are mixed on whether lecithin actually helps, but a recent study, published in 2022, claims it does.

It’s also commonly touted as having a dramatic effect on cumshot size from others online. Though, if you start multiple supplements at once, it may be harder to pinpoint which is actually helping.

In any case, it’s unlikely to hurt you, and sunflower lecithin is extremely cheap – about 10 cents per day, or $3 a month. Like the other supplements, you can pick up a bottle on Amazon or a specialized store.

Other Things That Can Help

Although supplements are a quick and easy solution, there are other things you can try that are even more effective, and don’t cost you anything.

The first is quite obvious in retrospect, but it’s drinking more water.

If you’re dehydrated, your body is going to prioritize water where it’s needed the most – like keeping you alive. Not making new life. Reproduction is pretty low on your list of needs when you aren’t getting enough water, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids. For adult men, it’s recommended to drink 15.5 cups or 124 fluid ounces per day. For reference, this is almost a gallon.

Another thing that will help is abstaining from ejaculation.

Your body can only make so much semen so quickly, so saving it up will actually yield bigger cumshots.

Yes, it’s true – those porn stars shooting those big loads may have to abstain for several days – or even a week or longer, to really shoot all that they can.

Finally, maintaining overall good health – eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting proper sleep – these will only help your semen volume. So, living a healthy lifestyle will pay off in more ways than one!

Closing Thoughts

Supplements are not the end-all-be-all solution, and won’t magically triple the size of your cumshots.

However, combined with other lifestyle improvements – like drinking enough water and eating a healthy diet, you should see a noticeable improvement in your ejaculation volume within a few weeks.

The supplements are all pretty cheap – even taking all 3 will cost you less than $10 a month. So, why not try it out and see if they work for you?

After all, your partner may be impressed how much more you can shoot!

~ Lexi

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