
Confession: Modern Culture’s Obsession With Sex Is Too Much

I remember the days when sex was something whispered about in hushed tones, when lingerie ads in magazines were modestly covered with strategically placed flowers and when a movie scene hinting at something beyond a passionate kiss was enough to send the room into a flurry of blushes. But oh, how times have changed.

Nowadays, it feels like sex is everywhere. Every billboard, every TV commercial, every magazine cover, every conversation I eavesdrop on in the coffee shop – it all seems to come back to sex. I can’t even scroll through social media without seeing half-naked models flaunting their assets or couples flaunting their PDA.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a prude. I understand that sex is fun. I even enjoy a steamy romance novel or a sultry movie scene now and then myself. But there’s a difference between appreciating something in moderation and letting it consume your entire existence.

What I can’t stand is how society has normalized the objectification of women and men alike. Everywhere you look, there’s someone’s bare ass or breasts on display, often with no relevance to whatever product or message is supposed to be the focus. The amount of cleavage and butt cleavage I see on a daily basis makes me want to scream.

It’s become so ingrained in our culture that even the way people dress has changed. Walking down the street feels like walking through an erotic fashion show. I appreciate confidence and self-expression, don’t get me wrong, but there’s a line between tasteful and tacky, and I’m sorry to say that line seems to be a distant memory for many these days.

The thing that really gets me riled up though, is the impact this obsession with sex is having on the younger generations. They’re growing up in a world where pornography is accessible on a whim, where explicit lyrics and provocative dancing are the norm, and where their role models are more often than not, celebrities flaunting their latest nude photoshoots or talking openly about their latest bedroom escapades.

I don’t want to live in a world where innocence is dead and sensuality is a distant memory. Where sex isn’t something special anymore, but just another commodity to be consumed and discarded. I miss the days when a simple glance or a subtle touch could make you blush. Nowadays, it seems like nothing is off-limits, and frankly, it’s exhausting.

Response from Lexi:

Hey there,

Although I create porn and run a podcast / website on sex and sexuality, I can empathize with your frustrations.

I think it’s normal to long for the world that used to be, and this is a natural part of getting older. And while sex is fun and I personally believe that people should be able to express themselves anyway they want, I can get the frustration when it’s shoved in your face against your will.

That being said, most people quite like it, which is why it works. Companies are a bit exploitive, sure, but there’s nothing wrong with simply liking sex either.

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