Confession: I Paid My Best Friend To Get Nudes Of My Cousin

Her name is Mandy, and she was, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. She had long, wavy brunette hair that cascaded down her back, piercing green eyes, and the kind of figure that made you believe in the existence of angels. The only problem? She was my cousin.

Growing up, I’d always had a thing for her. As we got older, the desire only grew stronger. But we were family, and that was that. We’d hang out at family gatherings, our bodies brushing together by accident or design, but that was as far as it would ever go. Just hanging out like friends and family do, a couple times a month. Or so I thought.

It was a drunken night with my best friend, Mike, when the idea first popped into my head. We’d been discussing our deepest, darkest fantasies when I brought her up. I didn’t expect him to take it seriously—I thought it was just a bit of harmless banter, a way to pass the time.

But then he suggested it. He said he could get the photos for me, if I would just kickback a little cash to help him get the guitar he wanted. At first, I was paranoid. The idea was hot, but I couldn’t help but worried that she’d find out somehow. But the more he talked, the more the idea grew on me.

Mike knew Mandy from a few parties we’d had together, and he was convinced that he could charm her into taking some naughty photos. I felt a mix of excitement and dread, but I knew it was a chance I couldn’t pass up. So, I agreed.

The weeks that followed were agonizing. I kept waiting for him to come through, getting excited each time a Facebook Messenger notification would pop up. Especially once he told me they were chatting.

And then, one fateful evening, the message arrived. “Got em.”

My heart nearly stopped. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Except I was getting something I couldn’t just go to the store and buy myself. I couldn’t believe it was real. But there they were, in all their glory: photos of Mandy, naked and smiling at the camera, just for me. Her tits were nice, but what I really loved was the pics of her ass, that butt that would always tease me in the leggings she always wore.

The first few days I could hardly eat or sleep. I’d jerk off to them until I was raw, feeling a mix of pleasure and guilt with every stroke. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. She looked so…delicious. Her breasts were perfect, her ass round and firm, her pussy just begging to be tasted. The only thing she was apparently too shy to send was her asshole, so I’m still waiting for that.

Anyway, I’m really surprised it worked, and it’s really fucking hot to see her in front of me and be able to pull up a picture of her ass any time I want. I’ve been craving it for only 10 years and I’ve finally got it.

Response from Lexi:

The ethical side of me says that nudes belong only to the person they were sent to, and the rational side of me knows that almost anybody would do the same thing. Nude pictures of people we actually know in real life are always more exciting, and if you’ve really been lusting after Mandy for so long, I can’t really blame you!

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